Deplorables of the US Unite! Reject Kamunism!

Deplorables Unite

When Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as a Basket of Deplorables, she revealed what the Democrat Party thinks of the working class. In the same way, Obama did when he said they cling to their bibles and their guns. They have dismissed deplorables for years depending on them to remain demoralized and demeaned. Now they are called weird. We can all vote against Harris-Walz and the special brand of Communism. What options exist if they don’t take Trump’s victory very well? DogFacePonia is a fairy tale news site so let’s get started in Once Upon a Time.

Deplorables have voted in droves this year. If their votes are not protected, they must recognize that they have power beyond the vote.  The country needs them. They are the essential workers. They are truckers, ranchers, farmers, farm workers, police officers, factory workers and many more. Deplorables are family people and religious people. Deplorables are defenders of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Democrats think they are the elite, higher education, professionals and look down on blue-collar workers.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Deplorables have done that long enough depending on others to be reasonable and run the country well. No more!

We The People Power

As I said before, you have the power.  All you have to do is look at what you can do. What happens if Truckers cease to transport goods and food? When farmers and farm workers no longer toil to grow your food and pick your fruit? What happens if manufacturing grinds to a halt?

Someone told me the US has power we don’t use because we are moral.  Food!  The Arabs can’t eat oil.  They need us.  So do the Liberals.  They can’t eat plastic credit cards or e-mails. So, tell them what you want and don’t ask or take no for an answer. Many Liberals do very little for you or the economy. Some even suck value from it. You could survive a long time without DEI, transgenderism, and CRT. America somehow did for over 200 years.

Stand together

Network and be ready to act to protect your family and your future. They can’t go after all of you and if you stand together and help each other you can win. Demand that the state election rules instituted by the legislatures be enforced.  Otherwise, this is at an end and you have no future.

Hells Angels understand group power. Standing together like the Hells Angels. If one of them gets pulled over by a cop, they all stop, it is a bit intimidating for the cop I’m sure. It signifies how the brotherhood is linked like family. If you mess with one Hell’s Angel, you mess with them all. So if you mess with one deplorable you must mess with them all. Even if your issue is not another deplorable issue, stand together. Remember the lesson of WWII. If they come for one group and you don’t support them, eventually they will come for you and there will be no one left to stand by you.

Violence is not the answer. Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr understood that if you live in a moral country, they have no defense.  But if you wait too long that may not be true. The morality is being undermined daily. Children are being taught to be sheep. Christianity is insulted at every turn.

Can’t be replaced?

They may have the army drive goods and food but that only lasts so long.  Think where the army recruits from.  Do they recruit from the ivory towers? No. They recruit from the working class. Police are being demeaned and defunded so will they come for you. They believe in and support the Constitution and the rule of law. Peacefully going on strike for what you want will not be something they will oppose. But Democratic leaders will feel your power.

‘What did Ben Franklin mean when he said “We must all hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately“?

Truckers have indicated that they will not deliver or pick up from New York because they believe justice has become unfair and unequal. Is this just the beginning of the deplorables exercising their power? Will they hang together? or is this all just a fairy tale?