Left Unprepared, DNC Causes Shortages in Chicago

Cats with empty shelves

We here in DogFacePonia, saw this coming. Chicago is basically unprepared to handle anything, crime, protests, or reality. Shortages were unexpected by many but when LEFT ignored problems, instead they only exacerbated them.

Shortages are already being reported

1)      Tampons are in high demand. This was unexpected even though Democrats multiplied the bathroom demand by 2x. This bleeding may not stop sadly. When they run out maybe check the boys bathroom if they still have those.

2)      White Straight Men seem to be exiting the city for the nearest safe space in the Suburbs. Pretty much anywhere else is the plan, rumor has it tent cities are being built in the suburbs for these less fortunate CITIZENS.

3)      Ladders and bricks are in high demand to make sure all events are a riot. It seems many hardware stores have reported selling out. This however may be totally unrelated. Word is flamethrowers and fireworks are also low in supply.

4)      Monkey Pox Vaccines are in high demand. Every corner drug dealer is now selling them at a premium. This is destroying regular business objectives. Price gauging is taking place with impunity.

5)      Cat litter can no where to be found within the Chicago city limits. Who would have expected so many cat ladies would bring cats to Chicago. Hotel rooms are expected to smell like cat pee for years to come. Some already smelled like this so it might not be a major change.

6)      Lumber prices have tripled for boarding up stores and building fencing. Got to make money while you can. They will never be able to gauge prices again if Kamunism is a winner.

7)      Horse Farms are reporting a shortage of horse semen. The orders have multiplied in the Chicagoland area. Horse semen sellers have reported that Tim Waltz is making the economy boom.

8)      Toilet paper seems to be shortage as well. Kamala always has her mind on toilet paper and her picture on it but when you have a BS convention; things hit the fan I guess. After this is done maybe it will be time to flush for Freedom.

9)      Toilets are also going missing. JB Pritzker has a removal advisory to all Illinois businesses as a way to save money. Remove a Toilet save on taxes I guess.

Great Expectations

We expect other things to have major shortages like enthusiasm, interviews, supporters and donations. Unfortunately, these won’t deeply impact the local economy in the short term and the peaceful protests may have lasting effects.

We here in DogFacePonia have a standing travel advisory against the city of Chicago. At this point we advise don’t go for your male or female PERIOD.