Biden Afraid to Provide “Non-Existent” Tax Plan

Biden spoke in Kenosha yesterday.  He met with community leaders at Kenosha’s Grace Lutheran Church and listened to their concerns. Biden’s speech was aimed at racial unrest, economic inequality, restoring faith in policing, criminal justice reform and improving education. He began talking about inequities in taxes at one point. He stopped himself from laying out his tax policy in detail (because he doesn’t have one), saying if he goes on any longer “they’ll shoot me”.  He was forced to discontinue speaking about his nonexistent tax program because of threats.  When Joe said “they’ll shoot me”, reporters speculated as to what person or group made the threat.

Joe met with Jacob Blake’s father earlier.  Jacob Blake’s father promised that Louis Farrakhan would be there to support Biden and provide protection.  He was willing to overlook the fact that Joe Biden was a white supremacist because Joe clearly doesn’t support Trump. He also suspected that Joe was hiding in the basement instead of a closet for obvious reasons but was also willing to overlook that.

Later in the question and answer session, a questioner was unable to read the prewritten question provided. The Biden staffers were trying to help this illiterate woman ask a cogent question but she left because of fears of retaliation when she was unable to perform as desired. Biden’s staff reported that she was given a question related to education, highlighting her inability to read.

Image From: “Gun and money” (CC BY 2.0) by marcoverch