Biden learned from Hillary’s defeat in 2016. Ghosts were sighted at Gettysburg again in 2020. Democrats refuse to allow dead voters to be disenfranchised this time. There was an Unbury the Vote campaign which successfully recruited people on the Pennsylvania dead voter rolls. A ballot was delivered to each person at his registered address. This practice should be supported. The ghosts are rising from the grave to fill out the ballots and vote by mail. They clearly must be Democratic because they are allowed to vote after they are dead.
Checking the totally valid voter rolls, Republicans discovered that dead people voted in Pennsylvania. They claimed Joe Biden had one foot in the grave and expected him to join his son Beau in Deleware voting Democratic. There is no record of Trump’s brother voting but he is buried in New York so it probably would not have mattered. Biden has made a number of statements that encourage dead Democrats to vote. He also supported the KKK exalted cyclops Robert Byrd who reportedly voted in 2016 and 2020 but West Virginia was too red to overcome with dead votes. Some of the Ghosts have been informed that they died of COVID-19 and that was Trump’s fault. They also know that their votes won’t count unless they vote Democratic. Biden hopes these reasons lead to a vote for him.
Obama said of Beau Biden at his funeral: “He did in 46 years what most of us couldn’t do in 146… He was a man who led a life where the means were as important as the ends. And the example he set made you want to be a better dad, or a better son, or a better brother or sister, better at your job, the better soldier.” Beau unlike Hunter wants to make you a better person. Hunter wants to make you a better crackhead, a better influence peddler and a better person to give a lap dance to. Joe learned that the means were as important as the ends so he made sure to win the election by any means for Beau.
Hillary ignored this key demographic (dead voters). Joe did not ignore this in any battleground states but Trump overwhelmed the system and more votes were required. In Georgia, the massive ballot dump in Fulton County caused a toilet to overflow. This provided a shutdown excuse but they forgot to get people in to repair the flood which they foolishly said was a broken watermain. None was found.
Biden said “Every morning I think to myself, ‘Is he (Beau) proud of me?'” We at DogFacePonia have our doubts. Fred Rogers voted in his neighborhood in Philadelphia. In other news, Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier has announced he voted for Biden as he did for Hillary.
A Who’s Who of Potential Pennsylvania Dead Voters:
- John Philip Sousa
- Abbie Hoffman
- Betsy Ross
- Benjamin Franklin
- Stephen Foster
image From: “the neighborhood” (Public Domain) by mkniebes