The FBI is building its case against an alleged leader of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot one Lego brick at a time. Investigators seized a “fully constructed US Capitol Lego set” from Robert Morss. The FBI is now tracking all purchases of Lego Capitol sets to find other extremists who may have participated in the January 6 insurrection or may be planning future action. The vast majority are 12 and under.
The FBI is also tracking purchasers of Lego White House sets. They are trying to identify extremists who may be planning future attacks on the White House. Joe Biden has ordered hundreds of these Legos over the years for his basement. He has been added to the Watch list. Pressure is mounting to cancel these Lego sets. Biden may have his toys taken away by his handlers once again. Extremists have warned their members not to buy Legos.
Culper Precision in Utah was selling the BLOCK19 – a modified Glock handgun. One childhood dream has been created, the Block19 prototype, yes you can actually build Legos onto it. When superglued together it surprisingly survived a little over 1,500 rounds in full auto.” This gun has already been cancelled.
The FBI is on the job researching other Lego sets that may be an indicator of domestic terrorism such as the Statue of Liberty and the American Flag. Search warrants have been requested on any purchasers. The FBI is also creating a Watch List of these purchasers and/or their parents.
The FBI has received thousands of tips about grade school kids that may own these Legos. Their parents have instilled these values in their children. The FBI will now spend time investigating this instead of Hunter Biden.
Whitehouse spokeswomen Jen Psaki said “They may not be able to vote yet. But we want to be sure they do not become extremists and vote for Republicans when they get older”
Image From: “Project 365 #293: 201013 Casablanca” (Public Domain) by comedy_nose