News Flash: SCOTUS Rules on Trump Taxes

White House with red stop sign

The Supreme Court today ruled on two cases related to President Trump’s tax returns and financial records.

In the Trump taxes case the Supreme Court ruled: Congress has the power to supoena Trump taxes but the case has to go back to the lower court. Trump is upset because now Joe Biden will not be forced to to debate him and is filing a brief in the case to allow him to see his own taxes.

In the Trump financial records case the Supreme Court ruled: 7-2 to send it back down to lower court. No absolute immunity but there are unresolved issues. Trump has not been able to see his financial reocords for three and a half years and is disappointed to not be able to see them now. The President contends that the court is wrong and that drinking TaB and taking Hydroxychloroquine gives him absolute immunity.

Image From : “The White House, Washington DC” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by pom’.