Peaceful Protests Continue In Portland

People in Portland have been holding protests for an extended period time and the numbers show just how bad the law enforcement is. In July of 2019, the city experienced 3 murders. This year law enforcement has been so pitiful it allowed 15 murders in July. The city had a total of 28 shootings in July 2019 and that number rose to 63 shootings in July 2020. This police department is an example of why police need to go. The peaceful crowds have been gathering each day and night to protest the horrible police in Portland to no avail. One protester said if it wasn’t for all their hard work the numbers would be much worse.

DogFacePonia is pulling for all of Portland and their wonderful act of peaceful demonstration. Free land in DogFacePonia has been offered to these patriots but they are very proud of the peaceful destruction of their city and want to continue until fires can burn freely in the night as God Intended.