News the managed news won’t tell you.
Nancy Pelosi went to a new hair stylist with her mask on so she would not be recognized. No stranger to cultural appropriation she got an afro. After returning to the capitol, she was refused admission along with Uncle Tim.
Kamala Harris has gone 54 days without kissing her husband while not wearing a mask. People are speculating she has halitosis. He also was seen wearing pants. There is no speculation on what that means.
Joe Biden continues to wear a mask to remind him to keep his mouth shut.
Survey reports CNN viewership was second and Fox third from last. The number of media outlets included in the survey was not reported.
Senator Kennedy reports east coast drivers desperately revert to fairy dust and unicorn urine to run their cars. Word is this can only be obtained from someone who identifies as fairy unicorn.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asks questions during oral arguments dispelling the rumor that he has no vocal cords.
A hiker in Missouri was shot by Hunter who mistook him for a turkey, according to authorities.
Schumer admits Manchin is running the Senate. As goes West Virginia so goes the world.
There is No Gas Shortage the Cows have plenty of it.
Image From: “Radio Free Jones Beach” (CC BY 2.0) by Joe Shlabotnik