Sturgis is happening. South Dakota prepares to host hundreds of thousands of bikers for the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. More than a quarter of a million are expected in western South Dakota, a state that never had a lockdown. They love South Dakota for its wide-open spaces. The Aug. 7 to 16 event could be the second biggest gathering so far during the pandemic. The rally is only eclipsed by President Trump’s big beautiful campaign rally.
But for many in Sturgis, a city of about 7,000, the huge influx will not be welcome. The rally will also be disruptive to the migrants from New York who are already disrupting the South Dakotans. Former New Yorkers are not used to South Dakota culture yet and now they have to adjust to biker culture (read redneck).
Only about half the usual number of people are expected at this year’s event. Though the rally has an undignified history of biker gangs and lawlessness, a different type of biker has shown up in recent years — Motaurs. Motaurs which are half man half motorcycle, are featured in Progressive commercials. The riders want to boycott Progressive for ridiculing Motaurs because everyone wants to be a Motaur. Given that protests over the Motaurs are expected as well, you have a prescription for unrest.
Dogfaceponies are supportive of Motaurs because they also have been disparaged.