Trump Found Liable of Being Trump

Trump speaking

When the civil court in New York found Trump liable to the tune of $5 million, it was a pretty shocking event. The case was all about Law and Order. We don’t believe it was in a real sense, but instead an episode of Law and Order. There was an episode that we and Trump’s Lawyers believe the accuser watched. As far as we at DogFacePonia could see, there was not adequate evidence that Trump even met her. Let alone made any physical contact with her. As a result, he was accused of rape and sexual assault. Does this remind you of how AOC said she was almost murdered by Ted Cruz?

Normally, we assume this kind of thing would be ignored by the Lawyers and District Attorneys as they had crimes like murder and robbery to investigate. This is all not to mention that it supposedly happened around 30 years ago. New York did pass the Adult Survivors Act that allows victims 1 year to file a civil suit. This opened the door to this and similar cases to be filed. Also, in New York, they have special laws that mean these DAs can release hardened criminals and go after Trump.

Still, we have no doubt E. Jean Carroll believes it. This is probably because she had real trauma and maybe a psychologist talked her into believing it was Trump. Does this not sound believable? At this point, we will probably be called victim shamers by the left. We are not here to shame Carroll, instead, it is our intent to shame The Lawyers, Judges, and Jury that allowed all this with seemingly no regard for the law.

The Case and Trial

Let’s say we believed Carroll. How could they prove that Trump had any kind of incident involving her? In court, they tried to show that Trump was liable. They did this by finding 2 women who say Trump tried to kiss them. Then they played his infamous locker-room talk tape (which apparently, they weren’t supposed to do). Finally, they tried to prove Carroll was Trump’s type because she looked a bit like Marla Maples 30 years ago. As far as we could tell this was it. Did they have evidence Trump ever interacted with Carroll, nope. Did they have evidence Trump was at Bergdorf Goodman where the incident occurred, nope. Did they know the date the incident occurred, nope.

If the above is enough to have someone liable for battery, I know at least 10 people from my high school football team alone who are liable. Let’s see, they would try to kiss girls regardless of whether the girls liked it. They would run their mouth with locker room talk, whether true or not. Did I like these guys, nope. I would have some course language for many. I even got in a fight with at least one over what he said to a girl. Still, that doesn’t make them liable for $5 million?

With the lack of evidence, Trump could not possibly have been found liable for defamation of character, right? They never proved he even met Carroll. It couldn’t be battery or assault how do you assault someone you never met? Would AOC call it Almost Battery? The Court found for Carroll and awarded $5 Million. They must have seen something we didn’t.

So, what was Trump Really Liable for?

  • He said mean things – Though it wasn’t proven they were untrue
  • He previously lived in New York – Big Mistake, Huge
  • He is a Republican.
  • He has lots of money
  • He allowed Title 42 to happen – Now it is his fault it is ending
  • He handled classified document
  • He won the 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections.
  • But most of all he is liable for being Trump

We believe this is what kangaroo courts look like. You are guilty because you are who you are.

We here at DogFacePonia are planning to sue Joe Biden for “Defamation of Pony Soldier Character”. He called Dogface Pony Soldiers Lyin. Sure, DogFacePonia as a website did not exist at the time and Joe Biden didn’t understand what he was saying. We have no evidence that Biden has ever heard of the webpage but Come on Man. So far even the farthest right-wing court hasn’t taken our case. We are still holding out hope of winning $5 Million. It would be about as reasonable as the award in this case.

Image From: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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