Linus Cuomo Impeachment

Statue of Linus from Peanuts comics

Linus Cuomo impeached for reading Dr. Seuss to his grandchildren It was the last straw he had to go. He was wearing a blanket over his shoulders ala Linus VanPelt. His granddaughter came into the room all excited and said “Me too”. Cuomo flipped out and told her to leave or he would let Joe Biden sniff her.  She reported the incident to the New York attorney general.  Democrats immediately began impeachment proceedings.

The fallout extended to his brother Chris Cuomo.   Chris Cuomo was bumped from the CNN lineup Friday as brother’s sex misconduct scandal grows and he refused to report on it due to conflict of interest. Chris managed to stay on CNN with terrible bias reporting but the impeachment was too much. CNN made no comment on Chris Cuomo’s future after recent events unfolded. There was talk of reinstating Mr. Truth and Mr. Facts who had been fired.

Further damaging revelations surfaced in a book by Kerry Kennedy, former wife of Andrew Cuomo. When Cuomo and his ex-wife Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, were in the process of getting a divorce, a source close to the Kennedy family told Shnayerson that there were “instances of physical abuse.” The author also writes that Kennedy repeatedly slept in a locked bathroom during the period where her soon-to-be ex-husband still lived in the family home. 

“Do you know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss book? China,” Bill Maher said closing his show Friday night. “All 1.4 billion of them couldn’t give a crouching tiger flying fairy because they’re not a silly people.”

We here Dogfaceponia would like to see Despicable Cuomo get Crouching Tigered all the way to a Chinese Prison or at least Gitmo.

Image From: “linus crossword” (CC BY 2.0) by cplbasilisk