Paul Pelosi appears in good spirits as his legal defense taking shape. His court date for his arrest on allegations that he was driving under the influence will be at Aug. 3 at 8:30 a.m. PST in Napa County Superior Court.
We have it from reliable DogFacePony Spies that Paul Pelosi will be defended in court by genius Malibu Lawyer Hunter Biden. Pelosi is claiming he identifies as sober thus should never have been arrested in the first place. Hunter Biden, the master of sobriety, explained that Pelosi also identifies as Rich and Powerful and cannot be expected to live under the same laws as common sheep. Paul explained he is an excellent driver and that he only killed one family member while driving when he was younger.
Pelosi informed his wife Nancy not to allow any major bills to pass while he is in court. Paul needs to figure our the correct stocks to purchase before the house passes any legislation. This is way they placed his court date during the August recess.
We here in DogFacePonia expect that the bodycam evidence of Paul Pelosi’s arrest will be unavailable for the trial as it has been shipped to an FBI storage facility. It will be placed with Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jeffery Epstein‘s Black Book and Ashley Biden’s Diary. While the defense of identifying as Sober, Rich and Powerful has never been attempted it seems like it will be a solid defense in todays world where things like breathalyzers cannot be trusted as they are purely scientific witchcraft.
Image from: California Highway Patrol, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons