Rep Anthony Sabatini leaked that Hunter Biden is to lead DEA. The Biden Administration felt there was not enough Biden in the Administration. Nepotism has nothing to do with this selection.
Sure, Hunter has no experience in law enforcement but he had never seemingly had experience for any job he got in the past. So this will be perfect.
As an added bonus Hunter has a lot of experience with Drugs. Crack and Cocaine to start with. He knows who to pursue for enforcement. He has a lot of contact in the drug underworld, especially in China and the Ukraine. He knows the best dealers and deals across the globe, and right at home in Wilmington. He knows the underworld and the basement.
Hunter also has advanced computer knowledge. He knows how to write emails, take pictures, make movies and more. He knows the most trust worthy places to get computers repaired. Most importantly, he knows how to handle secret and confidential information to make sure it doesn’t get in the wrong hands.
Running the DEA is an important job. Biden’s are known for their abilities to sniff things out. If Hunter has half the nose for sniffing as his father, he will sniff out all the underage female drug dealers in no time.
Hunter also has a previously unheralded talent for identifying and obtaining the best bagels.
Image From: “IMG_2091” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by joelogon