Some have speculated that 2020 will be the end of the world. We have a virus spreading, social upheaval, Murder Hornets and more. This has led some doomsday predictors to suggest the end of the world is coming.
When interviewed on the topic Jesus said “It is written that you will not know the time or the hour, but I can assure you it will not be 2020.” Jesus went on to say he already died once for our sins and had no intention of going back and getting COVID-19. “Amen, Amen Is say to you, nobody wants to be on earth in 2020. I am pretty sure I couldn’t have a Sermon on the Mound in 2020. 46 feet is too close. Also I mean they will let 200 people in a casino but not more than 50 in my church. When I go back to Earth I will pick a better time than 2020 to do it.”
So with Jesus remaining in heaven on quarantine for the reminder of 2020, we can only hope the Holy Spirit steps in to help us.
Image From: “the ascension of god” (CC BY 2.0) by PinkMoose