Pete Buttigieg is expecting a boost in voting, now that the Re-Pete Robot has launched without any problems. “The Re-Pete is cutting edge technology,” Said CNN news host Chris Cuomo. Anderson Cooper also chimed in saying, “It would be nearly impossible for Trump to beat Mayor Pete’s rallying drawing potential when he can be in multiple states at the same time.” The Re-Pete spits out a party-line response to everything the same way Pete Buttigieg does.
There are rumors that the Re-Pete is causing marital problems for Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten Glezman. Rumors say Pete Buttigieg has gotten jealous of the Re-Pete’s from time to time. Chasten comforts Pete with kisses on the campaign trial to secure their bond.
We understand these fully functional Re-Pete’s may go on sale in the event Pete Buttigieg is not Elected President. Everyone wants a Pete in their closet but the price tag may be out of range for most people. Mayor Bloomberg has already requested to purchase one for mock debaters.
Image From : Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA