A new fashion is raging across DogFacePonia. We have dubbed the new fashion the Covid Chin Guard. By wearing a chin guard, you can emulate your favorite hockey and football players who use chin straps as a safety precaution. You can also express your personality as they are available in an assortment of colors and designs. People are caught constantly wearing their chin guards incorrectly by covering their mouth as well as their chin. Some are even going so far as wearing their chin guard to cover their mouth and nose.
The origins of this new fashion trend are unknown, but it has become popular across all age groups. Don’t get left out of this safety device that you can truly look cool wearing. Some studies have shown that by wearing a chin guard you look more intelligent. These studies are however in early stages, so data is unfortunately limited. We also spoke to fashion expects who have suggested just by wearing a chin guard you can shave years off your appearance and sometimes if you are truly lucky years off your life.
Image From: “28.Doobys.BaltimoreMD.25May2020” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Elvert Barnes