Trump Dismal Showing in Iowa

Trump Pointing with a frown on his face.

The caucuses are finished and Trump’s future is seriously in doubt. DeSantis finished in second place, Haley finished third and Trump was third from last. Trump got just over 50% of his base while Biden got 100%. Not a single vote was cast against him. That does not bode well for the future. Everyone knows. He wasn’t even worthy of attack ads.

In this DEI country, Trump doesn’t have much going for him.

DeSantis’ parents are of Italian descent (+1) and his wife had breast cancer (+1). This may be overrated as Romney didn’t manage to get elected and his wife had two illnesses (MS and breast cancer). 

DeSantis has negatives. He is Christian (-1) and is really white looking (-1). He has served in the military (-1). Went up against the mouse (-2). Graduated from Harvard Law School (-2) With all these negatives you can see why DeSantis has no future in the GOP. It’s hard to figure out how he got this far. Total -5

Haley has Immigrant Sikh parents (+2). She is brown-skinned (+1). Haley married a white guy (-1). She is a woman although these days who knows. Total +2

Trump is white (-2) although many consider him orange, they say orange man is bad. Boehner may be the total Orangeman base so there is no upside here. Trump is a straight (-1) male (-1) and Christian(-1). They say Trump is racist (-1) and misogynist (-1). Trump can walk and chew gum which would help in the general election against Biden (+1). TOTAL:  -6

The only candidate with a positive DEI rating is Nikki Haley. That is why newspapers are big on Haley. Trump has no hope since walking and chewing gum is his only positive. Not sure if he can ride a bicycle.

We here in DogFacePonia do have hope that we the people do the voting. Instead of corporations, a collection of letters and a team of mules. That remains to be seen.

Michael Vadon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons