Just days ago, Joe Biden decided to end his run for Senate in DogFacePonia and concentrate on his presidential run. It appears the run for Senate was only holding Joe Biden back so he decided to focus all efforts on the presidential run. The endorsements are rolling in now that the Former Vice President has put all his eggs in one basket. Joe Biden said, “It is extremely hard to focus on Super Thursday in DogFacePonia while working hard on his Super Tuesday results.”
The older voters of DogFacePonia are extremely angry that Biden has chosen to focus on his presidential run as only Joe Biden truly understands what a Dog Faced Pony Soldier even is. With Biden some in DogFacePonia feel abandoned by their savior. A woman crying said, “Why, Why does Biden get to rise from the dead in his presidential run? He should be rising from the dead here in DogFacePonia and assume his roll of messiah.” One man Claimed, “This is a bad day for DogFacePonia we may have lost the face of our land.”
Much of DogFacePonia seems to be rather depressed by this betrayal, but one Dog Faced Pony Soldier said, “I was always opposed to Joe Biden and now with him out of the way we can work to make DogFacePonia mean something other than what that crazy man thinks.”
Joe Biden’s utopian paradise dream in DogFacePonia appears to be dying.