Category Archives: Economy

Company Created to Transport Illegal Aliens to DC

Inflation is soaring as is the price of a gallon of gas. As a Bear...

Definition: “Brandon Steamer”

Warning: The Content below may be shocking and inappropriate for young foals. Whatever you do...

Biden is Upset About Intelligence Leaks

It appears Joe Biden is very upset and taking intelligence leaks very seriously. Numerous meetings...

Biden picks his Favorite Dictators

The United States seems to always be picking it’s favorite enemies. It also could be...

Freedom Convoy Not Really Into Burning Things

When truckers in Canada were first considering how to protest, they looked at historical precedents...

Keep on Trucking!

Canadians are stuck in the seventies. That is why they have a Convoy but no...

AOC Almost Murdered Again! By Her Own Choices!

Today AOC let us know Florida is responsible for almost murder, by not having a...

Transitory Ice Cream Inflation

Murphy’s Law says no matter how bad things are they could always get worse. Case...

Brought to you by Pfizer

If you haven’t seen the brought to you by Pfizer montage video you really should....

Dreaming of a Black Christmas

The Black Lives Matter movement’s national arm is leading a boycott of “white companies” and...