Uberflush is organizing a national protest. Everyone is asked to flush their toilet at the same time. The first date selected in August 1, 2020 at 7pm. This nationwide protest is targeting the Antiflush group which was responsible for the occupation of Uberflush’s headquarters in Dogfaceponia. The response has been unbelievable. People all over the country and the world are looking forward to flushing for freedom.
Not uexpectedly, President Trump is on board with the protest especially since it will help drain the swamp. Uberflush was developed to fill a need expressed by President Trump. Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzger is unable to join the protest even if he wants too because he removed his toilets which many believe inspired antiflush to begin with.
Join us on August 1 at 7pm ET to Flush for Freedom. Depending on the response we hope to do this in the future maybe on Election Day or other selected dates.
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