Donald Trump’s trial appears to be winding down. This is unacceptable to the Biden administration. Hunter Biden is expected to have two trials take place in June. The earliest is to start on June 3 on felony gun charges. The tax evasion trial is set for June 20. Hunter was unable to hire Cohen as his fixer because he was in jail. Perhaps there is still time for him to be a contestant on The Fixer. Cohen said, “Now I’m paying it forward, wielding the tools that I’ve learned for regular people in trouble”. And who is a more regular guy than Hunter? To divert attention from the Hunter trial, the Trump trial must continue. This would also give Joe Biden an out on the first debate scheduled for Thursday, June 27 although Biden did suggest that Trump should be available on Wednesdays.
How to Extend the Trial
The prosecution has been deliberating on ways to drag the trial out. They have solicited testimony from every P*layboy bunny and P*orn star for the last 20 years. They also have interviewed every woman who worked for Trump over the last 20 years. There is the hope of producing a character witness for Michael Cohen but so far have been unsuccessful. This is even after advertising in The New York Times and Creepy P*orn Lawyer Review. Lawyers have been burning up the phone lines applying to testify so they can write a tell-all book. Bragg has limited the applicants to those who worked for Trump (go figure). Preference is being given to those who have also served time (again go figure).
Stormy Daniels videos could all be shown to the jury. However, It is possible to only real extension this would show is that of Stormy’s coworkers. Most people turn this stuff off rather quickly. The popcorn concession would be provided by Michael Cohen since Michael Avenatti is in the clink. And what’s with all these Michaels anyway? Allen Weisselberg, former President Donald Trump’s longtime chief financial officer, is keeping the books as a side gig while in Rykers. However, efforts to contact him have been unsuccessful. Rumor is he may have Clinton disease or be in Epstein‘s former cell.
When will it end?
Lawyers are cautioned to give final arguments that exceed 3 hours. The judge is writing up a one thousand page long condensed set of jury instructions which his clerk will read in court. He also will extend the Memorial Day holiday to 8 days (oops he already did that). The jury will be encouraged to ask numerous questions. The prosecution is also seeking a directed verdict of guilty. When it will end is anyone’s guess. The Biden administration is holding out hope that it will conflict with debate or that Trump will be found guilty. That way Biden will not need to attend. A Liberal Commentator said it seems the only thing the trial is doing is giving Trump a good rest.
DogFacePony News says “None of our ponies have come forward to testify about encounters with Trump”. One however did say in her diary that Biden showered with her.