Peaceful Protests Continue In Portland

People in Portland have been holding protests for an extended period time and the numbers...

Sturgis Invaded by Bikers and Motaurs

Sturgis is happening. South Dakota prepares to host hundreds of thousands of bikers for the...

Refund Reparations

Dogfaceponia is experiencing a massive takeover. Once well respected individuals are being asked to repay...

Trump will try to avoid gettting clocked by Biden

With the world changing all the time a new format for the debates has come...

Ellen to be fired by Trump

Ellen has been under fire lately for the toxic and hostile work environment created on...

Kaepernick to Join Paw Patrol

There has been concern all the way up to the White House that Paw Patrol...

Reflush for Freedom

Thank you one and all. The Flush for Freedom Protest exceeded expectations. The swamp was...

Save TaB Drinkers – Invoke the Defense Production Act

Sadly, we are reporting skyrocketing deaths among TaB drinkers.  As TaB has become scarce, TaB...

Covid Shark Attack

The U.S. Navy studies the military use of marine mammals and trains animals to perform ship and harbor...

Nothing to See in Epstein Files, Move Along

According to the Main Stream Media there is nothing to see in the Epstein Files....