Author Archives: Mary Unicorn

Future Shock 2020 Style

Churches in many states are not allowed to open.  So where do you go for...

Media Ecstatic over New Entrants in the Veepstakes for 2020

The Vice Presidential sweepstakes has garnered new attention from the media and Democrats.    People have...

The New Normal is on a Cruise to China

Covid-19 is bringing about a new normal. Television personalities are looking washed out as they...

ALERT! Bernie Sanders suspends his Presidential run to pursue Senate run in Dogfaceponia

Just yesterday, Bernie Sanders decided to end his presidential run and concentrate on a run...

Fox Accused of Colluding with the Russian Mosquitos to get Malaria

In a daily briefing on the Coronavirus, Trump indicated there was insufficient separation in the...


Shortages continue to develop in DogFacePonia.  Toilet paper has totally sold out.  Because of the...

Shortages in DogFacePonia

Because of the Covid-19 virus, there has been a shortage of hand sanitizer.  To counteract...

New Color for MAGA

News anchors and opinion people have finally determined the reason for Trump’s rather orange countenance. ...

The What Color House?

On a cold crisp morning, the sun rises over Dogfaceponia.  The snowflakes waft down softly. ...