Mayor Wheeler of Portland has returned from re-education camp. As a result of his stand-down order to police, the Hells Angels are returning to Portland to “save” the city. The Mayor gave a press conference lambasting the President for the violence and denying personal responsibility. The Hells Angels previously came to Portland to educate Antifa after an incident in Sturgis. As a part of the ongoing saga, the Mayor reaffirmed his support for the peaceful protesters who were skeptical that the re-education worked.
They peacefully protested at the mayor’s condo. They were there to celebrate the mayor’s birthday. They sang Happy Birthday while the Mayor washed his hands of Portland. They set a bonfire and toasted marshmallows in order to make S’mores. Local businesses contributed picnic tables. Many members of the group were trained scouts who set up a camp, dug latrines and prepared to spend this night and many more. This was first establishment of an Autumn of Love. They encouraged the Mayor to resign and join the Autumn of Love.
In the interest of good dental hygiene, the peaceful protesters went to the local dentist for check-ups. Members of the Summer of Love joined and helped establish a zone outside the mayor’s residence.
Image From: “Pyro Birthday cake” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by blmurch