Category Archives: Legal

Baby Formula Czar

The country is very upset about the baby formula shortage. A new position is being...

Killery and The Corrupt Courts

The Jury found Michael Sussman not guilty of lying to the FBI. The Jury came...

Guarding Hunter Biden

In 2004 the cheesy romantic comedy Chasing Liberty with Mandy Moore hit the theaters. It...

Biden is Upset About Intelligence Leaks

It appears Joe Biden is very upset and taking intelligence leaks very seriously. Numerous meetings...

Trudeau and Putin Come to an Agreement on Definition of Peace

Vladimir Putin and Justin Trudeau came to a historic peace agreement. The Agreement was quite...

AOC Almost Murdered Again! By Her Own Choices!

Today AOC let us know Florida is responsible for almost murder, by not having a...

Second Amendment Doesn’t Cover SUVs

According to leaked backroom discussions, the Biden Administration sees some vehicles, such as SUVs and...

A New Woke Bill

This morning a new bill was introduced in the House requiring citizens to remove any...

Ilhan Omar’s Office Receives Suspicious Document

On Tuesday, in a scary event, Ilhan Omar’s Office received a suspicious document. Law enforcement...

Bipartisan Congressional Panel Exposes Dangerous Sleeper Cell

A bipartisan congressional panel has released it’s findings outlining a dangerous threat to our county....