Author Archives: Michael Ulysses S Grant
Bloomberg spends $500 Million to prove people like Biden better
New York, NY – Michael Bloomberg announced today he is dropping out of the race...
Mulligan on Impeachment Approved in the House
Congress has decided that their case against the president was so amazing the first time...
Technology Breakthrough by UberFlush
A new technology has hit the markets. The One Flush(Tm) technology of the UberFlush Inc...
Trump Melts ICE with Dragons
Trump has decided to abolish ICE in favor of a new Immigration Force. Democrats in...
The Democratic Presidential Burrito
Meat – Pete Buttigieg –Buttigieg sticks to the party lines so is an essential ingredient...
Pete Buttigieg releases RePete Robot
Pete Buttigieg is expecting a boost in voting, now that the Re-Pete Robot has launched...