Category Archives: Politics

ALERT! Bernie Sanders suspends his Presidential run to pursue Senate run in Dogfaceponia

Just yesterday, Bernie Sanders decided to end his presidential run and concentrate on a run...

Illinois Governor extends Stay at home to keep Rod Blagojevich imprisoned

Illinois Governor J D Pritzker has extended the shelter in place order for Illinois to...

Biden vs. Bidet

In these dire times we need a solution to our great problems. Toilet Paper is...

Shortages in DogFacePonia

Because of the Covid-19 virus, there has been a shortage of hand sanitizer.  To counteract...

Biden Ends Senate Bid in Favor of Running for President

Just days ago, Joe Biden decided to end his run for Senate in DogFacePonia and...

What the Gabbard?!

What is Tulsi Gabbard? The news is out! The last woman democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren...

New Color for MAGA

News anchors and opinion people have finally determined the reason for Trump’s rather orange countenance. ...

Bloomberg spends $500 Million to prove people like Biden better

New York, NY – Michael Bloomberg announced today he is dropping out of the race...

Mulligan on Impeachment Approved in the House

Congress has decided that their case against the president was so amazing the first time...

The What Color House?

On a cold crisp morning, the sun rises over Dogfaceponia.  The snowflakes waft down softly. ...