Author Archives: Dogfaceponia

Biden vs. Bidet

In these dire times we need a solution to our great problems. Toilet Paper is...

US expects modest 10% population increase due to Coronavirus

The United States is expecting a 10% increase in population about 9 months from now....

Corona Beer Found to Work as Inoculation for Corona Virus

Scientists while working as fast as possible to create a vaccine for corona virus, discovered...

All Natural DFP Oil is the New CBD

All Natural (Dog Face Pony) DFP Oil is a new product and is better than...

Pope Against Creation of Terminators

Vatican City- The Pope recently began work on setting guidelines for the creation of AI...

Trogdor Burninates DogFacePonia

Trogdor the Burninator has arrived in DogFacePonia. Reports are in that Trogdor who normally burninates...

Cincinnati Reds just looking to beat the Pirates

Cincinnati – In 2019 The Cincinnati Reds had a mediocre season and managed to finish...

Corona Beer Maker to introduce Influenza Beer

Constellation Brands (STZ), Which makes Corona Beer has announced they will be making a new beer...

Rod Blagojevich announces he is running for President as a Trumpocrat

Chicago,IL – Rod Blagojevich has announced a 3rd party run for the Presidency as a...

Joe Biden Says he was Arrested by Lying Dog Face Pony Soldiers while trying to visit Nelson Mandela

Charleston, SC – In a recent interview Joe Biden was asked about his comments regarding...