Author Archives: Dogfaceponia

The Search for a Lower Rating than Biden

Joe Biden has a historically bad approval rating as we all know. Even CNN says...

420 Is The Price What Else Could Elon Musk Buy

If is starting the look like The Twitter board does not love Elon Musk tender...

Biden Makes Plans to Rename Easter

The Biden Administration is making plans to rename Easter. They want to make it more...

DogFacePonia Disappointed That it Has Not Been Banned by Twitter Yet

In recent times. we have seen many brave heroes banned by Twitter. The Babylon Bee...

Biden picks his Favorite Dictators

The United States seems to always be picking it’s favorite enemies. It also could be...

Guide to Lawnmowers During The Biden Regime

The world is at war. Russia has invaded Ukraine. Oil Prices are go up faster...

Russia Cures Covid

In an amazing turn of events Russia has cured Covid. How did they do it...

Trudeau and Putin Come to an Agreement on Definition of Peace

Vladimir Putin and Justin Trudeau came to a historic peace agreement. The Agreement was quite...

Does Anyone Still Support Trudeau?

When the Freedom Convoy came to Ottawa to protest insane mandates that were intended to...

MLB Becomes Universally Stupid

Professional Sports have lost touch with with fans. The NFL has Colin Kaepernick Kneelathons. The...