Category Archives: History

Convoys for Dummies

Convoys have become all the rage. In Canada the parliament was surrounded by huge trucks...

Keep on Trucking!

Canadians are stuck in the seventies. That is why they have a Convoy but no...

Omi-Won Killnobody

It appears that although vaccinations and lockdowns where the highlight of success, according to our...

DogFacePonia Fact-checkers: There was a Parade on January 6th.

January 6th is called an Insurrection by Liberals and the leftwing media. We wanted the...

Merrick Garland Announces DOJ Will Investigate People Chanting F Biden

In a memorandum Attorney General Merrick Garland said “There has been a disturbing spike in...

New Book – How to Lose Wars and Betray People

General Mark A Milley is working on his memoirs. He plans to tell his side...

Biden Shares Another List

“Oh, Joe loves his little lists,” laughed Jill. “He enjoys making them, working from them...

House Looks to Impeach Trump over Biden’s Actions in Afghanistan

The US Military is under attack. Joe Biden the Surrenderer in Chief is off doing...

Biden’s Great White Start

Biden has had a fantastic first 200 days it seems that all is going according...

Cleveland Guardians of the Safe Space of Woke Liberals

The Cleveland Indians have announced they will be changing their name to the Cleveland Guardians...