Author Archives: Willie B. Dunken

The Re-Return of the Fauci

Dr. “Tony” Ouchi-Fauci, returned to us this Summer as the pre-eminent figure of health and...

Assaulting Cali’s Bans

DogFacePonia had a reporter on scene in San Diego when San Diego District Judge Roger...

Pixel Perfect

I remember when 4K resolution on my T.V. was life changing. It was like seeing...

The Fauci-nator

Dr. Anthony ‘Faucinator’ Fauci, at the CNN State of the Union was more or less...

Mega-Corpus Brain Trust

Google, Facebook, Twitter (the GFT or a terrible sounding woke version of a BLT). Have...

Forgetting Histories Lessons

This week Technology firm Oracle announced that it will take charge of a vaccination database for America....

Your Brain May be Bigger than Mine, but I have Class.

We here at Dog Face Ponia believe that no matter the color of one’s skin...

Do I need Keys for that?

It Turns out that having an extra set of keys is not a bad idea,...

Emperor (almost) Dissolves Republic

In a move that shocked the Republic, Emperor Biden tried to dissolve Congress. Expert witnesses...

The Real Slim Fauci

Dr. Fauci came clean this week, saying that for the first time “…things we are...