Author Archives: Dogfaceponia

Tonight we are going to Party like it’s 1984

I wish it was a joke …. But let’s get past all the thought crimes...

PayPal Running Scared after DogFacePonia Labels them as Extreme

DogFacePonia for about a year has had a PayPal donation link on its site. It...

Cleveland Guardians of the Safe Space of Woke Liberals

The Cleveland Indians have announced they will be changing their name to the Cleveland Guardians...

Obama has a CRT Scan

CRT is everywhere these days. They are trying to push it in universities, toilets and...

Budweiser Asked to Write Speeches for Biden

After watching the Independence Day themed commercial by Budweiser everyone right and left agrees that...

Peace in Chicago, Just like Westeros

Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago has asked Gang leaders to stop the violence. Pretty much every...

More Dangerous than an AR-15

Joe Biden and the Government are always talking about gun bans basically without any reason...

We don’t give a Rats Putin about Meghan Markle

If we look back on it, The United States of America had a break up...

Putin Schools Biden on Cyber Security

Biden met with Vladimir Putin. Biden told the media he was strong, threatening Putin with...

Rainbow transitions to Black for Juneteenth Marketing

Pride Month once meant something to Gay and Lesbian people. It was about loving who...