Author Archives: Dogfaceponia

Share a Mask with a Friend or The Trash

An environmental crisis came upon all of us. Since the Pandemic has started over 20...

MLB Moves All-Star Game Because of Climate Change

MLB has decided to move the All-star game to Denver. There has been some discussion...

Democrats Make a Great Joke – Call Themselves the “Party of Science”

The Democrats make great jokes sometimes. Some might argue their whole platform is a joke....

CDC Head Warns of Impending Zombie Apocalypse

The Head of the CDC recently warned of Impending Doom, AKA Zombie Apocalypse. She explained...

Man tries to join X-Men after getting Covid Vaccines

A man named Fred (his real name kept concealed to protect his secret identity) tried...

Judge says “You Can’t Handle the Truth of Maxwell and Epstein”

Recently a Federal Judge decided “You can’t handle the Truth“. The judge locked down records...

Socialists Confused! Wonder “Why don’t Americans like the CCP”

Socialists AKA Democrats are confused. They think what’s not to like about China and the...

Shocking Stimulus Poll

A CNN Poll on the recent stimulus showed that if you ask people stupid questions...

House Passes Bill to Make Our Elections Fair Like China

The House lead by Nancy Pelosi passed a bill HR1 titled “For the People Act...

Top 5 Stories from Our First Year! Thanks for the Fun!

Dogfaceponia just turned 1! Happy Birthday to us. To celebrate we present you with our...