Author Archives: Dogfaceponia
Cuomo Wishes America Had No Good News During the Trump Presidency
King Cuomo came out today and said it was bad news that The Covid-19 vacine...
Mundane details of the Michigan Voting Glitch
Dogfaceponia has sent in some Pony soldiers to discover the truth about what happened with...
The Main Stream Media Declares Itself Victorious Over Trump
The Main stream Media declared itself victorious over Trump. It was a hard fought 5...
Nevada Giving Gamblers More Time to Place Bets on the Election
Carson City – Nevada has stopped counting in order to give gamblers more time to...
“I don’t want to talk to you” Winning in Exit Polls.
Exit polls are being conducted around the Nation as we try to determine who will...
Liberals Blame Trump for Asteroid
Astronomers are saying an asteroid could hit the earth on November 2nd the day before...
Oscar the Grouch Endorses Joe Biden
Joe Biden scores another celebrity endorsement in Oscar the Grouch. Oscar said he likes Biden...
Halloween Costumes to Scare Liberals
With the election coming, we wanted to help you with some costume ideas. If you...
Liberals Afraid Barrett Might Have Principles
Amy Coney Barrett began a Senate Hearing this week to be our next Supreme Court...
Nothing to see on Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Move Along
There is nothing to see on Hunter Biden’s Laptop (according to the Main Stream Media)....